The founder

L F de Peyrecave

L F de Peyrecave

L F de Peyrecave founded PERRY & BELL in 1920 with his co founder R Beryl. The practice has been in the deP family ever since and remains a family business


LF deP at Brooklands

As well as being a qualified engineer, LF de Peyrecave was also well known on the Brooklands circuit





LF de P at Brooklands racing circuit.



The deP DUO

Louis de Peyrecave was a pioneer motor car manufacturer from 1910 - 1914, during which time he built the DP Duo cycle car

He joined the Royal Flying Corps during the First World War in the capacity of test pilot, whereby he was expected to take up the faulty planes in order to establish the root of the problem


The DUO today

The DUO today
